Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Future Is So Bright I have To Wear Shades

Sensible people everywhere are wondering, “Have those people gone nuts?” well I think it’s deeper than that.  Here is what I think. The baby boomers are to blame. They are starting to retire or are getting close to it. A vast majority of them are seeking to protect their investments that are going to carry them through their golden years. They don’t care two old farts about the environment, women’s rights to choose, etc. They just want to make sure their money is secure. This I believe is what is giving Republican’s their Tea Party edge.

Young bucks and doe’s in the party in turn are gunning for the big spots as the old guards retire and so they are aiming to keep the old guys happy. This will change however as the boomers start dying off and a new generation take over.  Businesses like Google, Microsoft, Apple, Zappos, Etc. are changing the culture in the workforce. No longer is the bottom line enough. The new standard is the double bottom line. They are taking care of their employees their environment and their profits, with altruistic efforts like those of Bill and Malinda Gates. Poverty and over population will decrease as more CEO’s join in the effort.  Also businesses with an eco-vision like the western land grab of Ted Turner who is not only turning Buffalo into the new beef but along with others is reopening the north to south wild animal migration routes.

I see populations decreasing as education levels rise and with that a smarter and less intense use of natural resources. The conservative or radical branches of Christianity and Islam will also fall out of favor with people as they begin to realize that God is not to blame or beg too for the events of their lives but that careful planning is. More passive and gratitude based organizations will take their place and there will be a dramatic push towards interstellar research as the community of nations gradually stop fighting and start coming into their own. 

The biggest climactic shift will be the massive effort of the international community to terraform the Sahara desert back into a weather producing tropical forest.  This will be funded by a massive outpouring of research grants by International houses of learning and interstellar commerce firms that will depend on the knowledge gained from that to expand new venues of commerce to the permanent colonies in terraforming neighboring worlds such as Venus, Mars, Vesta, Ceres and of course our own moon.

Will the world end at the end of 2012? Heck no! In fact, the future is so bright I have to wear shades!

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